Certificate of Authenticity
Certified Artworks
Classic Donkervoorts are rising in value and one day yours will become one of them, so protect it with the Donkervoort Certificate of Authenticity.
Your Donkervoort is a one-off, custom-made machine. It is unique, even amongst Donkervoorts, so it should be maintained and repaired by the people who made it.
The Donkervoort Certificate of Authenticity brings peace of mind to both buyers and sellers, and each car that carries it has met a standard of excellence that Donkervoort is proud to put its name to.
Authenticated Art
There are 16 categories, involving more than 175 points, to be inspected on each car, with a score from one to 10 for each category. These category scores are averaged (though some safety and authenticity categories are considered more important than others) and broken down into Technical Condition, Appearance and Authenticity.
A CoA is only issued when a car scores more than six in each of the three final sections, and the certificate must be renewed annually.
Owners of successful cars receive the CoA, which will be added to each year, an assessment report to break down the scoring and a nine-page factory inspection report detailing every aspect of the inspection.